Alert components are used to display important notifications or warning messages on a page. They are typically used to inform users about the results of certain actions or to draw attention to important information.
The MAlert
component can display a simple warning or notification message on the page.
<MAlert>Hello Alert</MAlert>
The type
attribute allows you to specify the type of alert to display. The available types are success
, primary
, warning
, and danger
<MAlert type="success">Success Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert type="primary">Primary Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert type="warning">Warning Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert type="danger">Danger Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert type="info">Info Alert</MAlert>
Show Icon
By setting the showIcon
property, an icon can be displayed in the warning message.
<MAlert showIcon>Hello Alert</MAlert>
Custom Icon
The icon
attribute allows you to customize the icon. You can use either a slot or an attribute to achieve this.
<MAlert showIcon> <template #icon><m-icon name="close" /></template>Hello Alert</MAlert>
Display Title
By setting the title
property or using a slot, you can display a title.
<MAlert title="Warning Title">Hello Alert</MAlert>
Using a slot to set the title:
<template #title>
Warning Title
Hello Alert
Show Close Icon
By setting the showClose
property, a close icon can be displayed, allowing users to dismiss the alert.
<MAlert showClose>Hello Alert</MAlert>
By setting the dark
property, a close icon can be displayed, allowing users to dismiss the alert.
<MAlert dark>Hello Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert dark type="warning">Hello Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert dark type="danger">Hello Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert dark type="success">Hello Alert</MAlert>
<MAlert dark type="info">Hello Alert</MAlert>
Alert Component
The Alert
component is used to display important messages to the user. It can be used to show success, error, warning, or informational messages.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
type | string | The type of alert to display. Possible values are success , error , warning , and info . | - |
title | string | The title to display inside the alert. | - |
closable | boolean | If true, the alert can be closed by the user. | false |
close | function | Callback function that is called when the alert is closed. | - |
dark | boolean | theme dark of Alerts | - |
<Alert type="success" title="This is a success alert" closable @close="handleClose" />
export default {
methods: {
handleClose() {
console.log('Alert closed');