A dialog box is a special pop-up layer that can be used to prompt users for information, request user feedback, or display some content. Or used to request users to input some information. The level of pop-up layer components is higher than that of regular elements and can be overlaid on top of regular elements.
Using dialog box components in single file components
<script setup>import {ref} from 'vue' const visible = ref(false)</script>
<m-dialog v-model="visible" title="Title Text" width="75%">
This is a dialog box component
<template #footer>
<m-button @click="visible = false">Cancel</m-button>
<m-button type="primary" @click="visible = false"> Confirm </m-button>
<m-button @click="visible = true" type="primary">Open Dialog</m-button>
The content of a dialog box can be anything, even a table or form. This example shows how to use Mostify UI tables and forms in a dialog.
<m-button @click="open = true">OPEN</m-button>
<m-dialog v-model="open" title="Hello Notes" top="80px" width="70%" closeIcon>
The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is displayed. In
order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in addition to using this
slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify which element should be read out
as the dialog title.
<m-button @click="open3 = true">Has Child</m-button>
<m-dialog v-model="open3" title="Title" center closeIcon escapeClose>
<div style="width: 100%; background: #f6f6f6">
The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is displayed.
In order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in addition to using
this slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify which element should be
read out as the dialog title.
<m-button @click="op5 = true">OPen Child Dialog</m-button>
<m-dialog v-model="op5" title="Child" center closeIcon escapeClose>
The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is
displayed. In order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in
addition to using this slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify
which element should be read out as the dialog title.
<m-button @click="open4 = true">fullscreen</m-button>
<m-dialog v-model="open4" title="Fullscreen" fullscreen closeIcon>
height: 1000px;
background: #0f0f0f;
color: #fff;
padding: 12px;
border-radius: 16px;
The header slot can be used to customize the area where the title is displayed.
In order to maintain accessibility, use the title attribute in addition to using
this slot, or use the titleId slot property to specify which element should be
read out as the dialog title.